Wednesday, January 14, 2015

CP Study Guide 2

Study Guide Part 2
·         Who issued the Declaration of Independence? The Continental Congress
·         The American Revolution was based upon the ideas of  European political thinkers.
·         Checks and balances were not among John Locke’s philosophical concepts.
·         John Locke’s ideas on natural rights were related to human law in that natural rights were considered higher than human law.
·         In recent years, the Supreme Court has increased protection of women’s physical access to abortion clinics.
·         The goal of affirmative action is to move toward equal results.
·         The Dred Scott v. Sanford ruling was handed down by the Supreme Court a few years prior to the Civil War.
·         Government is defined as the institutions through which public policies are made for society.
·         The writers of the US Constitution were distrustful of democracy.
·         The US government under the Articles of Confederation can be best described as weak and ineffective.

·         Under the Articles of Confederation, most governmental power rested in the states.

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