Tuesday, November 18, 2014

2014 Mid-Term Election Appraisal (U.S. Congress)

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How many Red states were needed for the Democrats to maintain control of the US Senate?

In which states were the Democrats needing to block Republican victories in the 2014 Mid term elections?

What major issues are the two parties divided on?

Failing to pass major climate legislation, due to gridlock in both the House and Senate, how has Mr. Obama expected to address climate change?

What has been target of the executive actions?

How does Mr. McConell aim to combat Mr. Obama's premise that he will veto any legislation that aims to defund his policies?

Has public opinion sided with the Republicans when they decide to hold no votes on budget proposals and allow the government to shut down?

As the last two previous presidents did, will Mr. Obama be able to place plenty of federal judges on the bench in his final two years in the executive office?

What percentage among Mr. Obama’s nominees to District Courts have failed to be confirmed?

How have Democrats overcome this tactic of Republican blockage of judicial nominees?

In what areas do the federal courts have major influence?

How long is a United States senate term?

What two projections does David Leonhardt make concerning the potentiality of a Republican and Democratic president?

Respond in a paragraph:

Which party or individual do you view as responsible for American political grid-lock? Did yesterday’s film seem to blame any one individual or party for the shortcomings of the US Congress?

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