Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Blog Response 1: Stability in the Middle East



Given the historical miscalculations of the US gov. and its military apparatus concerning providing Iraq/Afghanistan with  fully responsive democratic governments, how must the nation proceed in ensuring stability for these middle eastern countries?

Provide 3 policy solutions for each specific case

(Utilize the opinion articles provided and any outside research you would like to include)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. As alluring as it may be to eviscerate alliances with nations like Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, the pragmatic approach would be to exert political discretion rather than engage in activities that may provoke our only insights into the Arab world. Likewise, the "vacuous" objectives and red-lines the United States conceived in response to despotic-induced bloodshed are justly so described, for intervention in a diametrical sphere ultimately initiates blowback. Increased, discreet drone strikes, however, should be exercised when a nation like Iraq is in turmoil, but the U.S. must make clear that it is at war radicalism and terror rather than Islam by dismantling Guantanamo Bay. In contrast, the Taliban resurgence in Afghanistan could be effectively countered by providing recognition and subsequent aid to a secular, democratic government that affords all citizens the right to vote. In addition, an effort must be made to help conceive a coherent, military apparatus in Afghanistan. Enduring support of a legitimate Afghan government in the far future must also be mad
