Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Executive Branch Free Response Questions

Free Response Question 1:
Describe the constitutional process of removing a President from office. How often has this process been seriously attempted? With what results? Is this process appropriate or would you recommend changes? (pg. 397-398)

Free Response Question 2:

To what extent does the Office of the Presidency  enlarge the scope of government?Why or why not? Provide specific examples from various Presidencies to support your answers? (pg. 430-432)

Free Response Question 3:

List and briefly describe the Constitutional powers of the President. Which are most important and why?  (pg. 401)

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

The Executive Order

Utilize the video below and respond to the 3 following questions

What is an executive order?
Can Congress do anything about an executive order?
Why are executive orders not permanent?

CP: Obama on Voting Rights

Utilize the following link to respond to the questions below:


  • Why are college students challenging a North Carolina voter photo identification law?
  • Why do Republicans and Democrats disagree about the need for new voter ID laws?
  • How will the new North Carolina law affect younger voters, particularly college students?
  • How does partisan politics seem especially relevant to the passage of the new North Carolina law?

 Respond to These Critical Thinking Questions:
  • Can you think of ways to make sure voting is both easy to do for young people, like college students, while at the same time reducing the possibility of voter fraud? Explain.
  • Should states try to make it easier for young people to vote, so voter participation rates increase, or should they make it more difficult for young people to vote, to protect against the possibility of voter fraud? What do you think the priority should be? Explain.
  • How can Mr. Obama address and expand voting rights in America? 

Analyzing the Executive Authority of Judicial Appointment


African American
Obama 22%/Bush 7%

Obama 11%/Bush 9%

Asian American 
Obama 8%/Bush 1%

Obama 59%/Bush 82%

Obama 46%/Bush 22%

Obama 54%/Bush 78%

1. Presidents consider many factors when nominating candidates to the federal courts, and getting their nominees confirmed is often difficult.

(a) Using the statistics above, describe ONE similarity between President Barack Obama’s judicial appointments and those made by President George W. Bush.

(b) Using the statistics above, describe TWO differences between President Barack Obama’s judicial appointments and those made by President George W. Bush.

2. Consider the following profiles of Supreme Court Justices' R. Ginsberg and Sonia Sotomayor to understand their ideological similarities to President Obama.


While reading:
What political opinions do these justices' express?
What is so important about Sotomayor's dissent language?
Is it written in accessible style rather than the wooden prose of the legal world?
Do these opinions reflect similarities to Mr. Obama's political views?

(c) Explain why a president’s party affiliation accounts for differences in presidential appointments to the

(d) Describe one way a president can increase the chances of having judicial nominations to federal courts

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

The Executive Branch: Foreign Policy Agenda and Nominations

Mr. Obama recently accepted the resignation of Chuck Hagel, a former Republican Senator, as Secretary of Defense. This represents a trend of the Executive Branch affording national security positions to Washington insiders with relatively little foreign policy experience. However, under the Obama Administration, the White House is forced to nominate only those individuals that have a chance to circumvent the Republican controlled Congress. It is the new Defense Sec. nominee, Mr. Asher who stands a reasonable chance due to his lengthy career in the nation's national security apparatus and his non-partisan nature.

Respond to the following questions in your notebook. (DO NOT WRITE THE QUESTION)

Who is Ash Carter?

What is his original trade?

How will this allow him to better serve the Defense Department as opposed to politicians like Chuck Hagel?

What 4 reasons does author  David Rothkopf cite as potential areas of difficulty for the incoming Defense Secretary?

How large is the current National Security Staff currently?

Why is this a problem, according to Mr. Rothkopf?

What is the purpose of the National Intelligence Council?

How has it deviated from its main goals?

What is the National Security Act of 1947?

What is the second NSC?

What is the general critique Mr. Rothkopf has of the current White House Staff (Ben Rhodes and Valerie J.)?

What is the key issue for the incoming Secretary of Defense?

What is the author’s view on the White House notion that Iran is an ally in the fight against ISIS?

In the author’s final paragraph, what is his view of the American national security apparatus?

Thursday, December 4, 2014

FRQ/Essay Prompts for Monday Exam

Free Response Question
What role do entitlements play in the rise of the large budget deficits? Should these be controlled? If so, how?   (Pg. 452-453)

List and describe, briefly, the various actors who influence the budgetary process. In total, are the interests of democratic government served? By whom and in what ways? (Pg. 453-455)

Explain the various reforms instituted to improve the budgetary process. Describe key reforms that have been made, and then assess their success in limiting the size of the federal deficits. (pg. 456-459)

Briefly describe how the rise of the social service state and the rise of the national security state have increase the scope of government. Were these necessary developments? Explain. ( pg. 445-450)

Identify and evaluate the causes of and effects of increased government spending or "big government."  (pg.445-453)

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

6th 6 Weeks Exam 1 Content Topics

6th 6 Weeks Exam 1 Content Topics: Congress, the Executive and the Politics of Budget

  • New Republic Commentary on 2014 Congressional Budget Proposal (Questions and article posted at site on 12.1.14)
  • Obama Executive Order Immigration (Questions and article posted at course site on 11.19.14)
  • 2014 Mid-Term Election Appraisal (Questions and article posted at course site on 11.18.14.)
  • National Security Costs       (Article residing in this post below) 

  • Ch. 14 of text book and ALL Key Terms: Free Response Question and Essay Topic to be determined by Thursday

Monday, December 1, 2014

New Republic commentary on 2014 fiscal budget


1. Who does Mr. Vinik the new Congressional budget proposal will hurt?

2. What are "tax extenders" and who do they benefit?
3. How much will the deficit increase under this budget? 
4. In comparison, how much revenue did the Fiscal Cliff generate? 
5. How many millions in cuts to food stamps were Republicans seeking previously in this deal?
6. What is the one of the only tax breaks the deal will not extend to?
7.  How will this new deal effect the Child Tax credit?